


mexico parader

mit projekt mexico parader er billeder fra Mexico City, fra Chiapas indianerhøjlandet og fra Cancun. Billederne er en kommentar og hilsen til det Mexico, jeg mødte.

Mexico er i min optik uendelig storslåethed, kærlighed til de levende og de døde, stolthed, rigdom og fattigdom, venlighed og gavmildhed, grumhed, udnyttelse, protest, frygt og afmagt, musik og glæde, lovløshed, drugs, uniformer og parader, tro og overtro, vild natur og sære dyr.

jeg har sammensat mine billeder i en række temaer - parader - som kan ses samlet eller uafhængigt af hinanden. billederne er fine art prints i format A3+ (33x48,3cm). projektet ledsages af en fotobog.

venligst kontakt mig for mere information om udstillingen.

mexico parades

my project mexico parades includes pictures from Mexico city, from Chiapas - the Indian Highlands and from Cancun. my pictures are my greetings and commenting on the part of Mexico I met.

in my eyes Mexico is infinite grandeur, love to the living and the dead, pride, wealth and poverty, kindness and generosity, cruelty, exploitation, protest, fear and powerlessness, music and joy, lawlesness, drugs, uniforms and parades, beliefs and superstitions, wild nature and strange animals.

my pictures are arranged in groups - parades - with different themes, which can be seen all at the same time or separately. they are fine art prints in format A3+(33x48,3cm). the photobook 'mexico parades' is also a part of the project.

please contact me for more information about the exhibition.

gay parade

parader i projektet:    gay parade - sad parade - når bjerget vågner - just kids - the arrest - the bride - parades, workforce og selection (udvalgte billeder)

all parades:    gay parade - sad parade - when the mountain awakens - just kids - the arrest - the bride - parades - workforce and selection (selected pictures)

gay parade

når bjerget vågner / when the mountain awakens

the bride

the arrest

sad parade

just kids

